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Louisville .NET Meetup Reminder - December 16, 2010

From: Chad G.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 12:53 AM
For our December 2010 meetup we are pleased to have Chris G. Williams come in to talk about Windows Phone 7 and XNA 4.0. Along with a great speaker, we?re going to have food and a bevy of prizes to include a free ticket to Code PaLOUsa. We will be meeting at the Quilogy/Aspect offices (10350 Ormsby Park Place, Louisville, KY, 40223).

Please RSVP so we have an idea of how much food to have ready. If there are any questions, please contact Chad Green at [address removed] or (502)[masked].

Session Details
Chris G. Williams will be presenting 'A Tour of Windows Phone 7 and XNA 4.0'. In this talk, he'll cover what's new in XNA 4.0, especially as it pertains to Windows Phone 7. He'll cover phone features, using the emulator and how to take advantage of the various sensors (like the Accelerometer) and features (MultiTouch, Gestures, Push Notifications, etc) in your games.

Speaker Bio
Chris Williams is a Principal Consultant for Magenic. He is the founder of several .NET User Groups on the east coast, and the author of the upcoming super-mega-bestseller Professional Windows Phone 7 Game Development: Creating Games using XNA Game Studio 4.

He's also a DirectX / XNA MVP, MCT, MCSD (.NET) Early Adopter, MCAD, Director of the INETA Speakers Bureau, freelance game developer, conference speaker, vintage arcade game collector, INETA Community Champion and plays a pretty mean guitar in Rock Band.

When not doing any of the above stuff, he can often be found in a Waffle House. He likes 'em scattered, covered and chunked.

Louisville .NET Meetup Group