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Holiday Gift for All - Download of PEACE :-)

From: Madhulika J.
Sent on: Monday, December 24, 2012, 5:20 PM

Happy Hols!

As a second gift, here is a free download of PEACE.

To access it:

- Surround yourself with white light, and let it penetrate your  body down to the tiniest cell and atom. Imagine it permeating all that you are and the vastness of all of creation.You are in the light and the light is in you. You are the light.

- Mentally or aloud, say, "Yes to PEACE!"

And then, enjoy!

If you are sensitive to energy, you may then feel the energetic download come in through the top of your head and fill your body; or/and feel an energetic shift. Stay and enjoy it as long as you wish.

Wishing all of you a heart filled with Peace !



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