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Does size matter?

From: Leif R.
Sent on: Thursday, August 8, 2013, 9:52 AM


I remember my first MeetUp back in October 2011 such a fun evening... :O)

Now we are more then 700 Members of MeetUp Lucerne...and the meetings are SO MUCH FUN. What a wonderful experience.

...and why is it good to do both big and small events?
Bigger events, like the "New friends" Meetings and "An entire day of MeetUp" is the perfect place to have fun talks, meet new members and say hi to good friends.

Smaller events can focus more on 1 common thing (like singing, hiking, books, movies, meditation, sports, etc) and can give room for longer conversations and common interests.

But if you have never said "hi" do you get into longer conversations on common interests?

So here's the question again...does size matter?
Yes absolutely...and it is healthy to "mix it up" and do several types of events and that is the beauty of this group, you can do both in MeetUp Luzern.

We can grow when we challenge ourselves ... and remember ... with an open mind and a friendly attitude ... you are among friends in Lucerne MeetUp.

What do you really enjoy? Write me, call me or tell me directly ... or post it directly as an event here on MeetUp Lucerne. I will help you post the event, if you are new to this.

Enjoy your week

PS I am getting married soon, so now more then ever "Life is wonderful" :O)