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MTB San Antonio - Tuesday Night MTB Ride - McAllister Park (Intermediate Lvl.)

Photo of Erik
Hosted By
MTB San Antonio - Tuesday Night MTB Ride - McAllister Park (Intermediate Lvl.)


COVID-19 Group Ride Info
1.Face covering required when unable to maintain 6 ft distance. (Not required while riding or if maintaining social distancing, but please have one readily available.)
2.Be considerate - if for any reason you feel it is not in the best interest of your health or the health of others to ride, please stay home.
3.Having a trail worthy bike can help limit the need for others crowding around to assist with on trail bike repair. (Things happen and not all situations can be avoided but please do your part to make sure you bike is in proper working order prior to the ride.)
4. RSVP! We may have limited ride leads and to ensure a we are able to have an enjoyable ride while maintaining social distance we are breaking the ride down into smaller groups. We may not be able to accommodate a large amount of riders who do not RSVP. If you cannot make the ride please remove your RSVP for others to join.
5.Please comment or respond to RSVP question as to pace of ride you feel comfortable with so we can break out the groups appropriately.

Thank you,

Rain or less optimal trail conditions will cancel event

Meet at the Turkey Roost Pavilion at 6 pm, wheels down 6:30pm. All skill levels welcome. This is a no-drop ride. (No-drop ride = Be prepared to start and complete the ride.)

HELMET REQUIRED LIGHTS if you have them.

10 plus mile ride. About a 2-3 hour ride.

I will encourage those who are beginning and who are ready to get that extra push in speed and techinical skills to come out to this ride.

We will ride the McAllister Park dirt trails, depending on lead rider, route may vary. Please bring a trail worthy bike, helmet, snack, and plenty of water. If you have items to fix any tire repairs or any other bike mishaps please bring. Depending on rider experience and knowledge of trails we will try to keep stops to a minimum.

If you are willing to help as a sweep please let me know. A sweep stays in the back and helps make sure we do not leave any rider behind.

See ya there!

Photo of MTB San Antonio (Mountain Biking) group
MTB San Antonio (Mountain Biking)
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McAllister Park
13102 Jones Maltsberger Rd · San Antonio, TX