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What we’re about

MaGESpire Event(s)/MeetUp(s) intend to focus on Blockchain & DLT, related Fintech developments, and Education with an eye towards Ecosystem Development, and Community Engagement. This is a platform for Blockchain-enthusiasts, Users, Developers, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Venture Capitalists, Traders, and everyone else who wants to learn, understand and also, share their wisdom and experience. We intend to organize regular casual meetups, panel discussions, and formal/semi-formal lectures to foster a fun, inclusive, informative, and healthy debate in the Blockchain space.

We tend to take a clear and structured approach to our Event(s)/Meetup(s) and it starts with establishing an environment of mutual respect between Event Organizer(s) and Community Member(s). This is how we do it:

1. We try to organize our Event(s)/Meetup(s) by Topics of relevance and by Seasons & Episodes where relevant. After all, what's the point of having random events if it doesn't have any sense of logical flow? At some point in the future, we are thinking of posting pictures, capturing videos of events, and posting key highlights on Youtube or our website. Stay tuned for Updates and Announcements in the future.

2. We try to give a heads up about the event agenda in the specific Event(s)/Meetup(s) description so that people can check if the event really suits/matches with what they were looking for or had in mind. We appreciate some of our Event(s)/Meetup(s) may have a fair bit of Technical content but we try not to explicitly prescribe any expertise level required for attending such Event(s) and trust people with making their own judgment by providing adequate information about event agenda. This way we get to have the right-minded crowd that is likely to derive the right benefits from the Event(s)/Meetup(s) and in case the Event(s)/Meetup(s) are sponsored we also try to meet such Sponsor's requirements without compromising too much on the benefits to Community Member(s).

3. We try to arrange light refreshments during physical events whenever it is feasible (i.e., we can obtain sponsorship to cover such costs). We are acutely aware that people's attention span can get dramatically shortened when running on an empty tank and we would try our best to avoid that.

4. We definitely try to stay clear of scammy forums, individuals, or organizations. We are very mindful that Reputation/Trust comes first and that it is very easy to lose but hard to regain. But we are also not omniscient so we would definitely encourage Community Member(s) to help us with feedback or pointers in case something is wrong at any of our Event(s)/Meetup(s) and we will definitely look into acting on such good-faith feedback.

We hope you like the amount of effort and care we put into organizing our Event(s)/Meetup(s) be it physical or virtual. We definitely can't pull this through without your strong support, encouragement, and feedback.

So, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us and we (MaGESpire currently solely represented by Ms. Bowie Lau a.k.a. Ms. Kryptos) look forward to having engaging conversations!

• IMPORTANT TO NOTE: It goes without saying that respectful and meaningful interactions underpin any social forum and our Event(s)/Meetup(s) are no exception. We appreciate and value your support to attend our Event(s)/Meetup(s) and even though there are several unspoken rules and norms for civil engagements that don't need to be explicitly stated and we mutually trust everyone in the community to uphold, we still felt it best to let you know that by being part of this Meetup Group and by agreeing to attend our Event(s)/Meetup(s), you explicitly agree/acknowledge/consent to the below: <br>

- Conflict of Interest - We request you to conservatively assume that some or all of the participants at our Event(s)/Meetup(s) may have personal, commercial, or other connections involving the Event/Meetup Organizer(s) which may lead to several possible conflicts of interests or bias w.r.t. your perspective as a participant in the event. You are requested and expected to form your own independent thoughts, views, judgments and conduct independent research and/or consult independent advisers/consultants/counsel as you may deem fit and you will take full responsibility for any interactions/decisions/consequences (personal, commercial or otherwise) that may impact you.

- Data Privacy, Copyrights, Trademarks & Intellectual Properties - We may collect data/information at our Event(s)/Meetup(s) (including but not limited to thoughts, concepts, views shared with or without the use of Audio/Visuals, pictures, videos, media, attendance lists, forms, etc.) and, you acknowledge and consent to our broad right to freely use and share such data/information (with or without derivation and/or adaptation) in any form as we deem fit without the need to consult or compensate you. We do not intend to misuse such data or violate your Data Privacy or engage in conscious infringement of any Copyrights, Trademarks, and/or Intellectual Properties. If you feel or discover that we have inadvertently done so, please inform us and we will do our best to remedy such situations where feasible, necessary, and within limits of reason.

- Financial Advice/Services, Inducement & Investment Solicitation - At our Event(s)/Meetup(s), we do not intend to market or sell or induce or solicit to invest in or purport to provide financial advice whatsoever to participants w.r.t. investing in Cryptocurrencies or Tokens or other related Investment Opportunities. However, we are mindful of our limits as Event/Meetup Organizer(s) and are aware that we won't be able to prevent interested persons from engaging in such conversations on (virtual event platforms) or at or near our Event(s)/Meetup(s). Please do note that if you choose to participate in such conversations it will be at your own risk and discretion and as Event/Meetup Organizer(s) we will not liable or responsible in any way whatsoever for any issues that may arise from such interactions.

- Legality, Limitation of Liability & Ethical Conduct - We always aim to conduct our Event(s)/Meetup(s) in compliance with the Laws and Regulations of relevant jurisdictions where we conduct such events (i.e., the location of the Meetup Group and where the Meetup is conducted). We would request your kind acknowledgment of our limits as Event/Meetup Organizer(s) and the spirit in which we conduct these Event(s)/Meetup(s) and wish to state that under no circumstance shall we as Event Organizer(s) be liable to you in any form whatsoever in relation to our Event(s)/Meetup(s). We understand that people are free to hold their own views, opinions and practise different value systems and we respect such individual preferences and don't intend to preach on such topics but we certainly don't approve of or condone unethical/unsavoury conduct at our Event(s)/Meetup(s) or within the online Meetup Group forums and reserve the right to take appropriate action in such instances in order to protect the integrity and the best interests of this Meetup Group.

In short, as they say so often in the Blockchain world - "Do Your Own Research" (DYOR) and in the Adult world - "Take Responsibility For Your Own Decisions And Actions" (TRFYODAA), it very much applies when you attend or participate in our Event(s)/Meetup(s)!