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What we’re about

We feel Azure security just doesn't get enough love. All that sexy DevSecOps, automation, config drift detection and event driven response stuff just seem far away from Azure.
So this meetup group is to give Azure some love, share our learning, tricks and pains.
If you are using Azure, you are planning to use Azure, you've never heard of Azure, you prefer Azure as a colour, you are a security dude/gal, you are an architect, you are a cloud nerd or you just feel like getting involved - you are welcome.
For each meetup event, we will try to accommodate different palates and arrange speakers/topics with combination of high level Azure GRC (some say fluffy) stuff as well as low level (some say hardcore) security deep dives.
We will also consolidate the Q&A at the end of all 3 presentations and give our sponsor airtime to talk about what they do.
All in all, you should be expecting good honest talks, information sharing and a bit of chat with like-minded people over a beverage.  

Code of Conduct:
Our user group adheres to the Microsoft Tech Groups code of conduct.
Key points you need to know are:

  • Treat everyone with respect, kindness, and empathy.
  • Use welcoming and inclusive language.
  • Be thoughtful in how you communicate in person and online.
  • Don’t be destructive or inflammatory.
  • Gracefully accept constructive criticism.
  • Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences.
  • Reach out to the organizers if you need anything.