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ESP32 + Python Demo/Project - Alexander

From: Trevor W.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 6:47 AM
Alexander - Thanks for taking the time to present the project you've been working on and for helping us learn how the ESP32 can be programmed in MicroPython to get it to interface with sensors, etc.

Am already looking forward to the followup tutorial at the next meetup. Thank you very much Alexander!!!

Team - Those of you who are keen to get access to the code Alexander had put together and keen to learn more about the work he is doing can write to him at the email below.

PS - I made the mistake of shortening his name over email....and it didn't go down well..:). So please only call him Alexander... 🙂. He's a great bloke.


From: alexander <[address removed]>
Sent: Sunday, May 5,[masked]:32 PM
To: Trevor Warren
Subject: email for club

[address removed]

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