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We invite you to come along - Napa Valley Wine Tour - April 9th - 12th, 2010

From: Martie W.
Sent on: Saturday, January 23, 2010, 11:24 AM

Hello Ladies,
My name is Martie Watson and I am the Marketing Director for Travel Leaders.
I am a member of the Memphis Wine Lovers Club.
I would like to tell you about a special "Napa Valley Wine Tour" that Travel Leaders and Wine and Tours have put together for April 9-12th, 2010.
It's a small group of only 14 people going to Napa Valley  - to tour a number of wineries. You'll be wined & dined for the weekend.
I have attached a flyer with more information about the trip.
You can also go to: for more information on the tour.
You can also call me at[masked] or[masked] or call Wine & Tours directly at[masked] for more detailed information on this wonderful trip.
Thank you and hope yoou can come along!
Best Regards,
Martie Watson
[masked] &[masked]

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