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DC Kirtan Fest this Saturday 6:30 pm

From: Rufus J.
Sent on: Thursday, November 13, 2014, 10:28 AM

We invite you at DC's own chanting fest this coming Saturday, November 15 at lil omm yoga in DC, 6:30 - 11 pm.

lil omm yoga, 4708 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington DC

more info here:

On Facebook it is here:

This is going to be a bhakti blast, with chanting for over 4 hours with 5 different groups, plus the following:

- Vegan & Gluten Free Indian Food 
- Massage 
- Reiki 
- Thai Massage 
- Henna Tattoos 
- BioMat 
- CranioSacral
- Flower Essence
- Card Readings

 This is a fundraiser -all proceeds will benefit - Girls Rescued from Sex Trafficking in Kolkata India, Children of Tibet Trust, and the Omkareshwar Ashram School 

Hope to see you there!

Blessings always!

Rufus Juskus

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