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organizing may 23rd Kirtan benefit for elephants .. would you like to support/participate

From: user 9.
Sent on: Sunday, April 5, 2015, 10:33 AM

Greetings Metro DC Kirtan members.

I'm organizing a Kirtan benefit mini-fest for elephant conservation on May 23rd and am looking for performers, volunteers and supporters. We are working with a number of great organizations, including Elephant Voices, Africa Asap and Wild Aid.

If you are a kirtan musician , please message me if you would like to perform. If you own a yoga studio, please consider sponsoring this great effort. If you just want to do SEVA, or volunteer some time, please contact me.

in the last 3 years, over 100,000 elephants have been killed in Africa alone and their extinction is likely unless some kind of action can be taken. The Elevate Ganesh fest is an action that Kirtan and yoga friends can participate in.

All profits will go to Africa Asap and Elephant Voices, and we are also supporting Wild Aid, a great group that's focused on China ( the largest consumer of Ivory ).

We will also have a spotlight on Tibetan Buddhism and will feature some Dharma teachers in addition to Kirtan and yoga. All animals have Buddha nature, and the elephant, and Ganesh are revered by Tibetan culture, as well as Indian culture and many peoples of the world besides Africans.

Please help with the 'Kirtan for a Cause'

Jai Ganesh,


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