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New Meetup: "New York" Sal Giamarese reveals his favorite setup and Broad Market Analysis!

From: Mike S.
Sent on: Monday, July 13, 2009, 8:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Detroit Area Market Traders!

What: "New York" Sal Giamarese reveals his favorite setup and Broad Market Analysis!

When: July 23,[masked]:00 PM

Online Trading Academy
25200 Telegraph Rd Ste 125
Southfield, MI 48033

NOTE: DAMT is now a Membership Meetup. Please review these changes on the home page before reserving your seat. All first-time visitors and OTA clients will receive a Free Guest Pass, email [address removed].

Join Sal and the OTA staff for a high-powered Meetup where Sal will demonstrate Broad Market Analysis (multi-time frame) and share his favorite technical trade setup.

Sal Giamarese has 20 years of Wall Street experience. After graduating from college, Sal walked onto the floor of the American Stock Exchange and worked his way up to specialist clerk. 8 years later Sal became a trader at an Institutional Hedge Fund, where eventually he rose to VP. Besides trading, his duties included teaching, training, and managing new traders and establishing trader risk parameters. During this time, Sal created and successfully implemented his own proprietary trading system. He also taught technical analysis, day and swing trading at All-Tech Investments? headquarters.

Sal started his own trading firm in 1999 where he implemented his previously mentioned proprietary system and used all of his experience to profitably trade for his own account.

Sal?s teaching style is based on real life experiences. He tends to use the ?keep it simple? rule where complicated subjects are made easy to understand. He has taught his wife Christina how to trade so that she can trade their account when Sal is travelling and teaching. He will go the extra mile to make sure his vast knowledge of the markets and trading is conveyed and understood by all of his students.

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