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New Meetup: A Night of Tex-Mex at Border Café

From: Russ
Sent on: Friday, November 5, 2010, 6:29 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Boston Ex-Midwesterners Meetup Group!

What: A Night of Tex-Mex at Border Caf?

When: Saturday, November 13,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Border Cafe
32 Church St
Cambridge, MA 02138

Chips, Salsa, and Margaritas...what more can I say.

Border Caf?
Harvard Square
32 Church St
Cambridge, MA 02138

It will be a great opportunity to meet everyone but I need to get a count so I know how many people to expect. I will wear something crazy... I was Woody from Toy Story for Halloween so I think I will be dressed up like that so you can pick me out of the crowd.

Should be a great time!

If you are lost or running late just give me a call[masked]


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