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New Meeting: Real Estate Action Group

From: user 5.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 7, 2008, 6:02 PM

Without a doubt this will be the most valuable real estate meeting you will ever attend.

Millionaires In Training
, in partnership with Success & Wealth Education Inc, and the Vancouver Investors Club

The Real Estate Action Group Inaugural Meeting (that means first ever!!)

Are you tired of hearing the same old sales pitch from so called real estate experts who make their money selling courses and books...not actually doing real estate deals anymore??

Have you been to seminars, read books, studied the market, and learned the strategies, but are just having trouble taking the first step??

Are you needing advice on what to do next??

Are you new in real estate, and wanting to learn what to do first??

Or a seasoned Real Estate Investor looking for your next big deal??

Do you lack the power team necessary to get all your deals moving forward smoothly and quickly??

Then you definitely want to pay attention to what I have to tell you!!!



We will be bringing to you several Real Estate Self-Made Millionaires, not just one or two, but a whole panel of expect speakers!!!

You will get a chance to meet some of the big names in your own backyard!!

Unlike many Real Estate Investor Association meetings where you get market updates, statistics, and the same information repeated to you... which is all good information, dont get me wrong!!,
but what we are going to bring to you is completely different. ..

You arent going to hear about where to invest and what to invest in...
oh no... you are going to learn much more powerful things than that.. in fact you wont just be learning ... you will be doing!!!

Thats right, DOING!!

Instead of feeding you theory and market updates we are doing something revolutionary in the industry of real estate investment education!!

We are going to WORK WITH YOU on YOUR DEALS and PROJECTS!!!

YES!! Finally you are going to have a chance to have your "deals in progress" analyzed by real live expects that have done this all before and made MILLIONS doing it!!

That is why we are calling it the REAL ESTATE ACTION GROUP... because we will be taking ACTION!!

So bring your deals, your opportunities, your questions, and your business cards and we will have you leaving this event with answers, and steps to take, to make your next real estate deal a success.

Here is what you can expect at our event:

- We will be having a Millionaire Panel for general questions and answers

- We will have some of our own Power Team members for you to meet,
i.e. mtg brokers, realtors, accountants, lawyers, etc.

- We will have a session where you can work on your deals in groups with our real estate experts

- We will even present real opportunities where you can invest in the deal of some of our Millionaire Panel members!!

- You will hear about the stories of all of our Millionaires Panel and Real Estate Experts and how they got started, what they are doing now, and what their plans are for the future!!

- Prizes, contests, giveaways

- All this and MORE....

We are even working on providing you with some real estate contracts and forms and the other tools we are investors must become familiar with...

Stay tuned for more details as the event approaches..

Successfully Yours,
Jay - M.I.T. coordinator

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