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Wait list Information

From: Larry
Sent on: Thursday, January 19, 2012, 10:26 PM

Hello Everyone!


We just hit 3000 Members.  We are the fastest growing meet up in Atlanta.  Which is why we get to the wait list so quickly after the event is posted.


I have been getting a lot of questions and comments about the wait list.


Almost every event Mingling In Atlanta has, gets to a wait list, quickly.  What a terrific problem for our group to have!! We are doing something right, people are having fun!! :-)

Folks are concerned that they can not get in an event before it fills up............An event could be posted at 11pm and already have a wait list of 50 people by the morning. :-)

If there is an event you want to go to and there is a wait list, sign up on the wait list!!  We tend to get people changing their reservation from Yes to No, and there are times we can contact the venue to ask for more slots.

If you are still on the wait list up to a few days before the event and still want to go, email directly to the lead organizer of that event.  They will know best on the potential of more availability.

PLEASE do not email the Organizer at the time of you first getting on the wait list!!  Just keep checking back to see if you were moved to the regular RSVP list.


If you have any questions about the above info., please email me directly at [address removed]


Thank you!





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