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SkeptiCamp Videos and More

From: Susan G.
Sent on: Sunday, January 8, 2017, 7:12 PM

All the videos and all the photos from Yesterday's Monterey County Skeptic's SkeptiCamp have been uploaded for your viewing pleasure. The event was a giant success for us, we had great media outreach and 54 people attended, 48 stayed all day. The thing that lowered our numbers were the reports of a major storm hitting during the day (which did not arrive until late that night) So many people stayed home.
We did not reach our $1,200 goal to break even, we almost made $700 in donations. So we are still open for donations if you are so inclined. :-) :-) :-)
Our committee will be meeting soon to start planning our next event for 2018.
I am still calling this a success, the lectures were amazing as you will see from this playlist. SkeptiCamps are not a burden to put on, very low stress and a terrific way to bring awareness to the skeptical movement and to grow your home base. The positive comments we received were well worth it.
Thank you to all our speakers and to the organizers of this event, and to the Humanist Association of Monterey Bay Area (HAMBA) for helping to sponsor this event.
This includes links to the video playlist. To the photos here on Facebook (please tag) to the online articles about the conference.
Thank you Everyone! you - Deborah Warcken Robin Welch Kathy McKenzie Stirling Gerbic-Forsyth Arlen Grossman Glenn Church Robin Welch Kyle Polich Ben Radford Jan Wachtel Leonard Tramiel Brian Hart Paulinda Lawrence Jay Diamond (for the photos) Thomas E Nowitzky (for your cleanup skills) Barry Karr (thank you for the magazines)
And everyone else who donated and assisted with making this an amazing day!