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Uptown Runners getting ready to run!

From: Dinah
Sent on: Friday, June 22, 2012, 9:45 PM


I'm teaming up with Becky, who started the Uptown Half Marathoners, and we're transforming the group into Uptown Runners, in hopes of getting a few more runners to join us! Here are some updates:


We're aiming towards hosting a longer run on Saturday mornings and at least one evening mid-week run. We can add more as we get up and 'running'. Let's start by finding our neighborhood runners!


6-8 mile long runs

3-4 mile mid-week runs

Again, we can vary these as the group grows.


Hey, let's just run! I want people to be comfortable, so let's work together to find a pace that suits everyone who shows up. We're not leaving anyone behind - we don't roll that way in Uptown Runners! If you want to run, we want you to run with us - it's that simple.

We're hoping you are all still interested in running in and around Uptown. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Let us know!

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Dinah (and Becky, too)

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