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Updates from Uptown Runners

From: Dinah
Sent on: Thursday, August 2, 2012, 7:58 AM

Hi Runners,

Just thought I'd share some updates on the group:

Look for morning runs hosted by the oh-so-charming Kyle Young! All paces are welcome to join him for Thursday morning jaunts! Watch for the event postings. We had a great run this morning and have lots of plans for the group - we're both eager to meet more of you!

There's been some interest in Saturday morning long runs, but the hot weather is keeping us all craving the cool mornings of fall. I'll be out of town for the next few weeks, but hope to settle into a habit of Saturday runs. If you have interest, and would like to suggest a time that works best, please email me!

Tuesday nights at 6:30 are taking off, too. Monica and I had a great 3.5 mile run up to Andersonville and back this week. Join us! We're thinking of scheduling a run that concludes with a cold beer sometime soon. Stay tuned.

Finally, this site offers us a discussion board. Feel free to suggest times to run, etc. there! We've had a number of new members join recently, too - welcome!

See you in a few weeks!




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