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Uptown Runner Updates

From: Dinah
Sent on: Sunday, September 30, 2012, 2:41 PM

Hi Running Friends,

Running weather is here at last! It feels great. I know many of you have races coming up, including next week's marathon, and wish you happy and healthy running! Below I've included a few group updates for fall!



I'm so pleased that we now have over 40 members in Uptown Runners! I still get new requests to join each week. Now that we're growing, I'd like to invite more people to host runs! We have a wide array of paces and schedules, so I know there are many more who would like to connect for a run. I'll continue to host Tuesday 3 mile runs (10:30 pace) and a weekend run.

If you have interest, I'd ask that you keep the following in mind, please, to support the mission of the group. Email me if you'd like to be set up as a host! [address removed].

Be there!

It really stinks when you've arranged your schedule to meet a running buddy and they don't show. True for hosts and attendees alike. Please use the site's RSVP feature, and check it before you head out so you know how many to expect.


Because we have such a variety of runners, it helps to include a target pace/distance in your posting.



Our discussion board can be a useful tool, as well. I've posted Forums on races, as well as finding running gear. Feel free to share articles, ideas, whatever, of course.This can also be a great way to communicate about finding running partners. In your settings you can select the option to receive an email when posts are made.

If you have ideas for runs, races, whatever, that you'd like me to know, please email!

Thanks everyone! Looking forward to meeting more of you this fall.

