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UPDATE for Museum Muser: Today's (3/30/2016) City Park Walk & "60 Minutes in Space" in Planetarium

From: Fran R.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 11:49 AM

FOR THE WALK this evening, Wednesday, March 30, 2016, please dress to be ready for possible cold showers.  To create more time flexibility for walking together, I updated our event description, identifying our 5:30 PM starting time and location, and our 6:00 PM halfway-point time and location.

If you haven’t already RSVP’d, below is the Museum Muser link to more information about this collaborative TTWalks' and Museum Muser event:

Also, below is a copy of the updated portion of the text of what you'll see on this linked event announcement:

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For the walk,

5:30 PM (Starting Point - no later) meet Fran, Richard and TTW Frog, on the northwest outside corner of the DMNS by the Snow Mastodon Statue facing the lake and the mountains.   TTW Frog is our TTWalks' mascot attending this monthly collaborative TTWalks and Museum Muser Meetup event.

6:00 PM (Halfway Point), meet at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Monument, about one-block west (behind) the Boathouse Pavilion located on the west side of Ferril Lake in Denver City Park.

For "60 Minutes in Space,"

6:30 PM, we'll be in line inside the DMNS, next to the Planetarium's entrance doors.  "60 Minutes in Space" begins at 7:00 PM, with seating on a first-come-first-serve basis.  When you see the TTWalks' mascot, the green backpack TTW Frog, you'll be able to more easily find Richard and Fran, and the rest of the TTWalks' and Museum Muser's participants.   We'd love it, if you could  stop by to say "Hello" and have a chance to meet everyone.

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I’m looking forward to sharing this monthly last Wednesday of the month Walk and “60 Minutes in Space” event with you.

Fran Rew
(720)[masked] (cell phone, accepting text messaging)
(303)[masked] (landline)
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