What we’re about
What's possible? Love! Walking / ZOOMing E-STEAM Love edutainment conversations.
Mission: Energizing balance of work, play, and learning.
E-STEAM stands for Economics, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. E-STEAM economics is viewed from the perspective of our human and environmental economic currency of Living Energy.
On the Second Sunday of each month, Museum Muser co-hosts free E-STEAM Love conversations, with 3 collaborative Meetup groups - Beckwourth Doers, Museum Muser and TTWalks.
These monthly conversations encourage open hearts and minds, for discovering new and old possibilities, for an E-STEAM “Economics of Compassion.”
Our conversation format is light, enjoyable, and playful. We invite a general public audience, from ages 6 to 96.
Our first annual E-STEAM Love collaborative Valentine's month event was on Wednesday, February 24, 2021.
Most people remember the founders of E-STEAM Love event, Richard and Fran Rew, by their first time receiving an origami jumping frog, from Richard. A living frog's jumping motion is a demonstration of a frog’s econo-physics. TTWalks first mascot, TTW Frog's definition of an "Economics of Compassion" for living frogs is conservation of a frog's living energy currency. After all, living energy currency is the only economic currency frogs have - “See Ma, no pockets!”
Harvard University economist John Kenneth Galbraith used the phrase - “Economics of Compassion,” in his 1990 interview in Japan, which was published in a Japanese language transcript, with Galbraith's chosen English title of "Economics of Compassion.".
These monthly collaborative E-STEAM Love events began, just before Covid-19 began, in January 2020. These events are an evolution, from a seed for collaboration, planted by Fran and Richard Rew, in 2008, when they began the TTWalks group's walking conversations through Meetup. It all began, with monthly 1-hour walking conversations, around Ferril Lake in Denver City Park, followed by a visit to the free monthly fascinating "60 Minutes in Space" presentations, in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. These monthly walking conversations were the beginning of E-STEAM Love's journey from nature to science.
In 2009, the Museum Muser group on Meetup lost its organizer Thanks to the acceptance of the members of the Museum Muser group, Fran and Richard’ Rew began sharing collaborative monthly walking conversations, and museum events.
Then in 2010, the Beckwourth Doers group on Meetup, an African American outdoor adventure group, thanks to their founder, Winston Walker, began to collaboratively share many of these monthly walking conversations, and museum events.
In honor of Winston Walker’s many inspiring conversations shared in our collaborative events, Fran and Richard dedicated the E-STEAM Love channel on YouTube to Winston Walker, as well as naming their live interactive science events "Winston Walker's E-STEAM Traveling Events." Although Winston died in December 2019, his inspirational collaborative spirit lives on. Thanks to the living and loving energy of Beckwourth Doers’ new Organizer Alton Clark, this E-STEAM Love collaboration of our 3 Meetup groups ives on.
In 2021, on the second Sunday of each month, 3-4 pm, we continue to collaboratively share a free ZOOM E-STEAM Love interactive economic edutainment series. This monthly series is associated with other related conversations, shared on our collaborative E-STEAM Love channel on YouTube.
Before Covid-19, our monthly events were on the last Wednesday of each month, followed by a visit to the "60 Minutes in Space" presentation in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. As a part of our monthly ZOOM conversations, we will continue to share our museum experiences in conversation. As the possibility arises, we are open to sharing direct and/or indirect E-STEAM Love collaborations with museums in the future.
Let's walk, talk, and play together!
Fran and Richard Rew,
Collaboration Coordinators
(720) 474-5182 - Fran’s Cell, for text only
Beckwourth Doers
Museum Muser
Collaborative Channel on YouTube
"Creativity, innovation and transformation are all merely side effects of our desires and abilities to empathize, and to connect."-- quote from YouTube video by Seung Chan Lim- "Realizing Empathy"