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Wicca 101 Class -Comparative Religions - Oriental. Tuesday, Oct. 25, 7:30pm Richardson

From: J'Ann Peacock A.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 19, 2011, 10:16 PM

“Comparative Religions, Part 2 – Eastern Religions”

Join us Tuesday, October 25 at 7:30 PM for "Comparative Religions" our next Wicca 101 class presented by Bryan.

Comparative Religions - Oriental by Bryan Lankford of O.I.C.


No one exists in a vacuum nor did we arise from a void.  How did Zoroastrianism affect Christianity?  Do Jains really harm less than Wiccans?  Is Dharma more than a TV character?  Is Wicca an Eastern or Western religious tradition and how exactly do you tell? 


Wiccans exist in a cornucopia of other religious beliefs and knowing what others believe can help build bridges of understanding between groups.  Also, knowing that other religious groups have many of the same beliefs we hold dear shows us we have more in common with others than we thought, helping us feel less alone in the world. 


The World religions class covers the origins, psychology and teachings of many of the world’s traditions.  This class is so much fun and so much information, that it’s been extended to two classes!  Yes!  You heard that right; two thought-provoking fun-filled classes covering both Eastern and Western religious traditions.  And, if you don’t know what those are, you will by the end of these, must-attend final two installments in this series of Understanding Wicca classes.


Bryan Lankford is a Wiccan practitioner in the Dallas Pagan community. He has been trained as a High Priest in the McFarland Dianic Tradition; a Wiccan tradition founded in the early 1970s by Morgan McFarland, and has master standing in Old Path Wicca. He is the cofounder and High Priest of the OIC coven, an Old Path coven that holds regular circles of its own as well as performing rituals for the Dallas Pagan community.


Bryan has served as national co-second officer and as a national interfaith officer of the Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), an international organization for Wiccans, and as first officer of the Texas Local Council of CoG. Bryan serves on the board of directors of both Earth Rhythms, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that presents experiential events, preserves natural places and provides assistance to those in need in the North Central Texas region and Betwixt & Between community center (B&B) where he taught the beginning Wicca class at since 1998. As interfaith officer for the Texas Local Council of CoG, Bryan lectures extensively about Wicca at colleges, universities, and private functions around the North Texas area helping thousands of people understand the truth about Wicca.


Since 1999 Bryan has been a member of the Thanks-Giving Square Interfaith Committee, which promotes dialogue and cooperation between people of all religions, where he represents the Wiccan faith in the Dallas area religious community. In 2000 he received international media attention when he gave the opening invocation at a Dallas City Council meeting.


Bryan has been frequently interviewed by the media and has been a guest on both secular and religious radio programs. His first book, WICCA DEMYSTIFIED: A GUIDE FOR PRACTITIONERS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS, was published by Marlowe & Co. in 2005.


Classes are held at Positive Touch Massage Therapy & Conference Center, 504 Business Parkway, Richardson, TX 75081. Positive Touch is located in Richardson near 75 and Spring Valley. From 75 take Spring Valley exit and go east. Turn right onto Business Pkwy. Proceed to the rear to building 500 (on your left.)

Wicca 101 classes are sponsored by the Texas Local Council Covenant of the Goddess. Visit for more information.


$5.00 facility fee per person, per class is requested (No pre-registration required.)


Even if you have not attended the whole series, you can start at any time.  Each class is designed to stand on its own! 


10/11/11 Comparative Religions  Part 1– Western--Bryan Lankford (OIC)

10/25/11  Comparative Religions  Part  2–Eastern --Bryan Lankford (OIC)

11/8/11  Crystals & Stones – Johnny (Amethyst Dragon)

12/13/11    Magic, Misc. - Food, Music, Oils, Poppets Etc. - Phoenix  (Dragon Moon Circle)

12/27/11   Chakras & Energy - Grounding & Shielding –--Johnny  (Amethyst Dragon)

1/10/12   Meditation –Dream  (Circle of the Sacred Fae) 

1/24/12    Divination- Sorcia (Circle of the Source)

2/14/12    Runes – Deflin (Circle of the Earth, Sea and Sky)

2/28/12     Reiki Level One -  Johnny (Amethyst Dragon)

3/13/12    Medicinal Herbs – Quill (Demeter’s Daughters)

**Check the Event Page at for the Wicca 101 and the Mythology series classes and for our public Sabbat Rituals.