What we’re about
Nashville Slow Ride…
Is a group is intended for recreational and utility cyclists using the streets and greenways of Nashville and Davidson County. The purpose of NSR is to help you participate in informal bike rides for people of average riding abilities. Groups can be two or twenty. We are not into lycra and fast bike rides
We do not create scheduled rides because that is dependent on you and other members. If you want to ride with other riders like yourself schedule a ride. If you need help contact the group organizer. Slow ride is entirely voluntary and the organizer is responsible for the website but not the rides.
Slow Ride is entirely free to members but if you like what we’re doing send us a few bucks via PayPal to help with expenses or go here:
You can also find us on Facebook. SLOW RIDE ON FACEBOOK
Need to Know
Ride leaders are volunteers and not paid professionals, but one of the group's goals is to make sure everyone has a fun and safe time at events. However, your personal safety is your responsibility.
Meetup.com's terms of service agreement specifically says that members join any and all meetups at their own risk and cannot hold meetup.com or its organizers and other members liable for damages.
After a Slow Ride please return to this site and rate the event and if you feel like it type in some comments or post photos. This helps us plan future events and please upload photos to each event page.