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New Meetup: Impromptu Percy Warner Park Ride

From: Mark
Sent on: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 11:28 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for NASHVILLE-SLOW-RIDE!

What: Impromptu Percy Warner Park Ride

When: Friday, July 23,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Percy Warner Park - Belle Meade entrance
Belle Meade Blvd & Page Rd
Nashville, TN 37221

For folks who have flexible work schedules! I plan to ride thru Percy Warner Park Friday morning, 7/23, at 7 a.m. Will leave from the Belle Meade Blvd. entrance to the park, intersection of Belle Meade and Page Road, 7:00 a.m. sharp.

Plan to do the 12 mile loop at least once. Please let me know if anyone wants to join in.

There are hills involved . . . .

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