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suggestions needed for Christmas caroling

From: Tim and Mary Ellen J.
Sent on: Thursday, September 13, 2012, 12:05 PM

Dear NFP Meetup members,

The past few years we have gone Christmas Caroling at a nursing home or assisted living facility early in December. The residents love seeing children!! 

We have tried to go to facilities in which one of our members knew a resident.

Do you have a facility to suggest? If you do not have a relative, perhaps you know someone who works at a facility like this and could help us arrange a visit.

It would be great if it was a place where the residents are able to go to common areas rather than only stay in their rooms. Or if they stay in their rooms, that we are allowed to go down the hallways.

After singing, we went to a fast food place for lunch and everyone really had a good time. We have song sheets and jingle bells.

Please let me know your suggestions soon, so we can get this set up.


Thanks for your help!


Mary Ellen

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