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FREE - Bunch of back issues of Sea Kayaker and Atlantic Coastal Kayaker

From: Carl C.
Sent on: Saturday, September 24, 2016, 10:15 AM


Doing some serious decluttering and found a stash of Sea Kayaker and Atlantic Coastal Kayaker magazines that I’d rather go to a paddler rather than to the recycling bin!  What I have is SK from 1999 to 2008.  ACK from 1995 to 2008.  Can’t guarantee that they’re complete sets as some have inevitably been lost  over  the  years but there is LOTS of reading here.  Guessing around 60lb worth or so J


Must  take all and need to be picked  up in Raymond, NH, or if you’re somewhere along  my usual travel routes, I may be able to drop them off.  


This offer will go on other mailing lists/FB if no takers here.


BTW, if  interested, please respond to me directly rather than through the group list (as those replies will go to EVERYONE)   [address removed]




