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Webinar: Apache Solr 1.4 – Faster, Easier, and More Versatile than Ever

From: David F.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 12:17 AM
Lucid Imagination is sponsoring a free and in-depth technical webinar with Erik Hatcher, one of the co-founders at Lucid Imagination, as well as co-author of Lucene in Action, and Lucene/Solr PMC member and committer.

Sign up here:

Friday, October 9th 2009
10:00AM ? 11:00AM PDT / 1:00 ? 2:00PM EDT

If you?ve got a lot of data to tame in a variety of formats, there?s no better, deeper, faster platform to build your search application with than Solr. Apache Solr 1.4 expands the power and versatility of the leading open source search server, with its convenient web-services interfaces and well-packaged server implementation. Erik will present and discuss key features and innovations of Solr 1.4, covering, among others:

o Faster, more streamlined document and query processing
o New powerful search methods including multi-select faceting, de-duplication and numeric range handling
o Simplified, powerful, highly-scalable deployment improvements with new Java server infrastructure

Sign up for the free webinar at

Erik Hatcher, is the co-author of ?Lucene in Action? as well as co-author of ?Java Development with Ant?. Erik has been an active member of the Lucene community ? a leading Lucene and Solr committer, member of the Lucene Project Management Committee, member of the Apache Software Foundation as well as a frequent invited speaker at various industry events.

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