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It's Not too Late to Register for CTxPAC!

From: Dean W.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 1, 2012, 6:32 PM
New Revolution Now
CTxPAC - Conservative Texans Political Action Conference
Lakeway Resort and Spa
101 Lakeway Drive
Austin, TX 78734

Driving Directions

Saturday February 4, 2012 from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM CST
Add to my calendar
Dear Patriot,

It's not too late to register for CTxPAC! We have added more capacity and there is definitely excitement in the air!
Get more information
Register Now!
I can't make it
Several of the presidential campaigns are fired up and ready to caucus with us at this historic inaugural event. Don't miss out and register today!
Dean Wright
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New Revolution Now | 4301 W. William Cannon | Suite B150 #248 | Austin | TX | 78749