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Class on Sponsorships 101: How to Find them, Close them and Create Value for them

From: user 2.
Sent on: Saturday, January 21, 2012, 8:01 AM
Check out this class, Sponsorships 101: How to Find them, Close them and Create Value for them, for which Meetupers get 10% off by using the code "sponsormeetup". It will be part of our pariSoma classes lunch series on Thursday, Feb 2.

Events, events, events!  They are everywhere, especially in tech. Over the last two years, we've hosted over 300 events at pariSoma. Some of them were co-organized, some self-organized, and some completely independent. What we needed for many of them were sponsors!  Sponsors help you grow your community, create a value add, and of course, cover your costs.

This class will teach you how to look for sponsors, how to engage with them, how to create value for them, and how to close them.  In the past, I have successfully closed sponsorships with Microsoft, Opower, Twilio, NVIDIA, GreenbergTaurig, VentureBeat, GigaOm and many more.  I want to help you get these types of sponsors to make all your events a success!

As in all pariSoma classes, snacks and beverages will be provided!
Though feel free to bring your own lunch if you would like a more substantial meal!


About your Instructor
Julian Nachtigal is the COO to faberNovel, Inc. and the Chief Coworking Guru at pariSoma. He has advised startups, lead biz dev for faberNovel, help build pariSoma's global community around coworking and tech events, and curated many events, such as TEDxSOMA.  Julian constantly spends time thinking about when will be the next time he'll jump out of a plane.
Carolina Jaramillo
Junior Project Manager
Come cowork with us!
[address removed]

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