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[NVC-Community-Events-of-the-SF-Bay-Area­] tada!- link for dues for NVC Community Events meetup group

From: Vicki L.
Sent on: Friday, September 7, 2012, 5:04 PM
Hi Gang,
Sorry for the inconvenience... this is the first time I'm doing this and have had a couple of sessions with paypal tech support and think we've got it figured out. 

This should be a working link for making a payment for our meetup dues:

If that still doesn't work, then if you have a paypal account you can:

1. log in at
2. click the "Send Money" tab
3. fill in the form (my email address: [address removed], designate with meetup fees")
4. click "Continue"
and on from there.

Thanks again!  And thanks to those who have given me the feedback!

Vicki Lapp

From: Vicki Lapp <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Friday, September 7,[masked]:26 PM
Subject: [NVC-Community-Events-of-the-SF-Bay-Area] new link for dues for NVC Community Events meetup group

Thank you to those who pointed out the problem with the pay now button.  The link below will allow you to make a payment to the meetup dues.  If it doesn't, please copy and paste the entire string below into your browser URL.  Thank you!


From: Vicki Lapp <[address removed]>
To: "[address removed]" <[address removed]>
Sent: Friday, September 7,[masked]:41 AM
Subject: Fw: dues for NVC Community Events meetup group due

Dear Compassionate Member of the NVC Community Events Meetup Group,

Many people do not realize that there is a fee for a group to be listed on the website.   It costs each group $72 for a 6-month period.

The NVC Community Events meetup group will have been active for 1 year as of September 19.  I have happily paid the fees for the group from my own pocket for the first year because I am inspired by the vision of this community.  I have been willing to invest in a community where people's feelings and needs are acknowledged, and there is ease in getting together and connecting socially.

At this point, I will not be continuing to fund the group.  It is time for the membership to support the continuation of the meetup, if it is to continue.

If you would like to support the continuation of this meetup group, please consider making a financial contribution toward the dues.  Consider that most NVC practice groups charge $15 every time they meet, an equal payment toward this group for the many free activities in a 6-month period is a bargain.   Please contribute any amount that you feel comfortable with and are inspired by.

I have put a payment button in this email so that you may have ease in making a contribution toward the group fee using paypal.  Here is how I plan to handle the money. The money will go into my personal paypal account. I will then pay the meetup dues.  If I get more than $72, which I hope I will, then I will use it to reimburse myself for the amount that I have paid for previous meetup dues, and any additional amount on top of that, I will apply to the following 6-month period.  If in the hopefully unlikely event I get less than $72 before September 19, then I will discontinue the meetup group, and return the moneys collected (less paypal fees) to those who contributed.  If you would prefer to give me or mail me a check, then please email me and I will give you an address to send it to.  If you have a suggestion or request for a different way for me to handle the money or the group, please let me know.

I'm gratified with the amount of activity that is happening in our group, and the momentum that we have achieved.  I hope that others of you will feel so inspired that you will want to contribute your valuable funds toward this effort as well.  Thank you for being part of this compassionate community!

Vicki Lapp

To contribute to the meetup dues through paypal, click on the button below.

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This message was sent by Vicki Lapp ([address removed]) from NVC Community Events of the SF Bay Area.
To learn more about Vicki Lapp, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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