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What we’re about

The NY Legal Tech Meetup is community of lawyers, technologists, and others interested in legal technology and innovation building a connected and supportive an NYC-based community around this exciting and rapidly evolving part of the tech landscape.  (For more information, visit

We meet monthly to dive into the most interesting recent legal tech developments, highlight interesting and innovative efforts and ventures, share new learning and opportunities, and network within the community.  

We currently host three types of programs (one of each per quarter, rotating monthly):

• community-building happy hours;

• substantive panels and other talks; and

• Drinks + Demos events.

If you're interested in/passionate about legal technology and innovation, we'd love for you to join us!

(Note re: sponsorship:  If you're part of an organization that would be interested in sponsoring a meetup in the future (by providing space, drinks, a/v support, etc.), please reach out to the organizer directly.)