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Important Update | NYC Tech Debates New Location

From: Zachary S.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 29, 2019, 3:42 PM

Hi Everyone,

We're very excited to announce that we are moving to a larger venue! As of our next tech debate, February 26th, all NYC Tech Debates will be hosted at Microsoft Technology Center on E 11th St.

In order to access the building, Microsoft requests that all guests provide their First Name, Last Name, and email.

Unfortunately, Meetup does not provide this information. You will now need to sign up via Eventbrite here, even if you sign up on Meetup:

Note: If you do not register via Eventbrite, you will NOT be admitted into the building.

This is incredibly exciting for us and we can't wait for you to check out the new venue! Please let me know if you have any questions.





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