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Re: [NYC-rb] Seeking copies of Learn To Program, 2nd Edition by Chris Pine so we use them for Ruby Nuby - teaching tech to low-income youth sponsored and mentored by professionals we teach.

From: Tyler P.
Sent on: Monday, August 8, 2011, 8:22 PM

My apologies, I didn't realize the attachment would not be included. If you are interested please contact me directly and I will provide a copy of the Program Guide.

Thank you,

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Tyler <[address removed]> wrote:

Engine Yard offers a curriculum for Ruby and Rails to Colleges and Universities that might fit your needs. I've attached the Program Guide for you to review.

Thank you,

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Malcolm Arnold <[address removed]> wrote:

If you have a copy of Learn To Program, 2nd Edition by Chris Pine that you are not using and want to contribute to a good cause then please give it to Ruby Nuby.  We teach the latest tech and entrepreneurial skills to low-income youth who are sponsored and mentored by the professionals that we teach.  We will use Learn To Program as one of our introductory books. 

If you have any working laptops you can contribute to the cause, please let us know. Thanks so much:)


Malcolm Arnold
RubyNuby, Founder

Thank you to everyone who voted for Ruby Nuby to win a grant from British Airways.  We spent a month in Uganda and Kenya. Our grant winning, 2-min video attracted an additional anonymous grant of 1000kg of air shipping to these countries.  We will establish computer training labs/community centers in Uganda/Kenya.  If you or your friends want to volunteer in Uganda/Kenya, please let us know. We are partnering with universities and other orgs there to provide free housing and other perks for volunteers.  Volunteer a little and then go on safari:)   Our winning video is here:

Our temporary website: 

Twitter: RubyNuby 
Personal Twitter: RubyNuby01

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