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CTO School Monday night - Infrastructure

From: Charlie O.
Sent on: Saturday, October 15, 2011, 11:02 AM

Session #2  of CTO school is about infrastructure...and it's this Monday.  Signup now as the last session sold out.

RSVP here:

Please tweet/blog/etc and share with other dev groups.

10/17 @ 6:30PM | Session 2 - Deployment & Operations

Talk 1: Infrastructure - Jereme Corrado, Systems Architect at Birchbox

- Picking hosting environment
- Server technologies - app servers, load balancers, proxies, caches, storage, etc. 
- Disaster Recovery and Backups
- Running Production Systems


Talk 2: Scaling & Speed - Kiril Savino, CTO & Founder of Gamechanger Media


Kiril Savino has been doing startups on the East Coast since way before it was cool, and co-founded GameChanger Media with Ted Sullivan in 2008 to change the face of youth & amateur sports media.  A self-taught technologist, his earliest startup experience was as the first engineer at Higher One (NYSE:ONE), building software that grew to process billions of dollars in transactions.  He learned to scale by doing it, at Higher One, as a lead at DoubleClick (where traffic is measured in 10s of billions of impressions/day), as an engineer and later CTO of ShopWiki Corp (downloading & semantically processing 70+ million pages of unstructured HTML a day), and at GameChanger, turning 10s of thousands of baseball scorekeepers and hundreds of millions of events into a real-time media firehose.


- Creating realistic plans and understanding requirements
- Profiling your existing application and data stores
- Tips & Tricks

Charlie O'Donnell, First Round Capital
My blog:


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