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UnSexy, Profitable SaaS business for sale or partner

From: user 1.
Sent on: Saturday, August 24, 2013, 8:46 PM
Hi folks, 

Here's a topic you don't see every day on this list.

I am the sole proprietor of StoreMapper ( an #UnSexy but profitable little piece of ecommerce SaaS I launched just under a year ago. I'm exploring the idea of finding it a new home and thought this community might have an enterprising solo developer/team looking to move from consulting dollars to predictable subscription revenue and product-focused work or to add to an existing app portfolio.

I spent some time building a solid foundation but these days I invest almost no time or money into it as my solar energy startup, SolarList is getting traction and consuming 150% of my time. I genuinely love this little app but don't have the time or focus to do it full justice.

The quick overview is:

* It is growing users month-over-month with zero marketing budget (completely organic + referral traffic). There is so much to do here from Adwords, to landing page improvements, content and referral marketing and I'm just not doing any of it, yet still it grows...
* Ranks #1 or very high for most relevant search terms (
* Subscription revenue (thru Stripe) with very low churn and low customer support requirements
* It's built on Rails some third-party Javascript jazz thrown in to create the widget on any CMS: Shopify, BigCommece, Wordpress, Tumblr literally anything. Pretty big market potential.
* It is definitely a full-featured and robust app with lots of happy customers although there is still plenty of work to do.

I already have a solid backlog of feature requests from existing and potential customers to hand over but there's a lot more customer development and growth potential from adding new functionality. 

Now I'm happy to just continue to sit on it and collect some almost entirely passive income from it, but the economist in me feels pained at this under-utilized resource. I genuinely think that with a solid investment of time and marketing it could grow tremendously. I would love to see (and maybe help) someone take it to the next level.

Shoot me a note if you're interested to chat further or have any ideas or suggestions.

Cheers folks and enjoy the weekend,


Tyler Tringas

voice: [masked]

tweets: @tylertringas


email: [address removed]

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