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[JOB] Senior Ruby on Rails Developer - PINCHme

From: Joe M.
Sent on: Monday, March 31, 2014, 5:48 PM
PINCHme ( is growing by leaps and bounds and we're looking for a senior Rails developer to join our team and learn and grow with us. Our team is still small and young, so this is a great opportunity for someone who is interested in helping build a strong developer culture and a solid, sustainable process. If you enjoy mentoring bright and enthusiastic junior developers this role may be especially ideal.        
Our primary technical challenges revolve around creating an exceptional experience for our growing user base while ensuring our systems scale and remain optimized for performance. I
f you have experience performance-tuning high-traffic websites, we'd love to talk.
Our office is located at the corner of Broadway and Houston and it's full of young, energetic people who are excited about their work and are trying to turn an industry on its head.
What we're looking for:
- People who love problem-solving.
- People who enjoy communicating, sharing ideas, and working in a collaborative environment.
- People who love continuous learning and expanding their knowledge and expertise, whether it's through taking classes, reading books and articles, contributing to open source proje
cts, participating in hackathons, attending meetups, picking the brains of your colleagues, or anything else that keeps your curiosity burning.
Technologies we currently use:
- Ruby on Rails
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Redis
- Sidekiq
- CoffeeScript
- Backbone.Marionette.js
PM me for more details.

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