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New Meetup: The NYC Expat Canadian July Rooftop Meetup

From: Joe
Sent on: Sunday, June 13, 2010, 9:50 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The New York City Expat Canadian Meetup Group!

What: The NYC Expat Canadian July Rooftop Meetup

When: Monday, July 12,[masked]:30 PM

Rare View
303 Lexington Ave
New York, NY 10012

Hi everyone!
It's time for another after-work drinks meetup, and this time let's hope Mother Nature cooperates and that it doesn't rain so that the rooftop deck will be open.

Like last time we'll meet at the Rare Bar and Grill rooftop deck at 37th and Lexingon near GCT. It's a fabulous deck with a beautiful view of the city. You enter from 37th Street, and there's a special elevator to the rooftop. Sometimes there's a line to get in, but it moves reasonably quickly. The drinks are pricey, but very good.

It can get crowded and a little hard to find people up on the deck, but I will bring a Canadian flag and will be waving it around, so you'll be able to find us that way. Also you can call my cell at[masked] if you still can't find us.

If it rains, the hotel will close the rooftop deck, and we'll go with plan B, which is to meet in the downstairs bar where they also serve food... including their well-known burgers. But if it's not raining, you'll need to snack beforehand, since they don't serve food on the deck.

Look forward to seeing you there! Cheers,
- Joe

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