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September Cocktail Hour at the Met Roof Garden Café

From: Joe
Sent on: Friday, September 16, 2011, 2:23 PM
Hi everyone,

Come join us next Friday September 23, and enjoy the crisp fall
weather and a drink after work at the spectacular rooftop garden cafe
at the Met.

Here are some write-ups for the rooftop garden:


The drinks are not the cheapest in town, but the view is beautiful and
it's a great place to hang out after work (so long as it's not

To enter the Met, the admissions desk typically asks visitors to pay a
voluntary fee of $25, but it's crazy to pay that if you're not
actually planning to view the exhibits. You should tell them that
you're not planning to see the exhibits, you're just going straight to
the rooftop cafe - and typically they will wave you through. Sometimes
they encourage you to pay something, in which case you can offer a
token fee, say $5.

If it's raining, they will close the rooftop garden, so we'll have to
meet up elsewhere in that case. I'll post an alternate rain location
soon - stay tuned for that.

Here's the meetup event information:


Look forward to seeing you there!

- Joe

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