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Tonight, get our your Zamboni and knee pads, it's hockey time!

From: Shani R. F.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 5:29 PM
Hey everybody,

In case you didn't get the CANY email, our friends at Van Diemens are throwing a hockey party.

Join the Canadian Association of New York (CANY) as we celebrate the launch of the 2013/14 NHL season with "Hockey Night in New York".

Join us at Van Diemens (383 Third Avenue near 28th Street) for some exciting opening night matchups involving your beloved Canadian teams.

At 7:00pm it's Toronto @ Montreal. And at 10:00pm Winnipeg takes on Edmonton.

Games will be shown on the big screen and with sound. Feel free to stop by any time. Admission is free.

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