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For anyone who was interested in volunteering earlier this month and missed it, God's Love We Deliver could use some help in June

From: Shani R. F.
Sent on: Saturday, May 30, 2015, 12:18 PM

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Happy Saturday, 
As we get ready for our move back to SoHo in the coming weeks there are several projects we need your help with. We have opportunities in Brooklyn and SoHo

Check out the list of below and SIGN UP HERE

Opportunities in SoHo: 
Moving potting soil to set up planters - 10 people per shift
Monday, June 1st from10am -1pm and 2pm - 6pm 
(heavy lifting required, must wear sneakers or boots, you will get dirty)

Planing the roof top herb garden - 20 people 
Saturday, June 6th from 10am - 2pm 
(bring your own gloves, must wear sneakers or books, you will get dirty) 

Opportunities in Brooklyn: 

Frozen Meal Kit Assembly (aka kitting)
Wednesday, June 3rd from 9am - 12pm 
Thursday, June 4th from 9am - 12pm 
Wednesday, June 10th from 9am - 12pm 

Kitchen Prep
Friday, June 5th from 1pm - 3pm 

Brownie Packaging
Thursday, June 4th from 9am - 12pm 

Pride Water Bottle Assembly
Friday, June 12th from 10am - 1pm 

Thank you for all of your ongoing support,

Volunteer Department
Steven, Kate, Jana, Gerald, Candy
See what's happening on our social sites
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God's Love We Deliver | 630 Flushing Avenue | 7th Floor | Brooklyn | NY | 11206

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