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Re: [NYC-NJDUG] Roundtable on Drone registration

From: Brian P.
Sent on: Sunday, December 20, 2015, 12:27 PM

So then you report it lost or stolen.....

On Dec 20,[masked]:57 AM, "cesar fuentes" <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi to everyone.
My question is if i register my drone and i loose it for x reason, and someone else finds it, the registration number will be on it, that person decides to uses it and do something stupid like flying carelessly and cause trouble, then authority finds it that means I'm in big trouble.
I'm i right or i missing something?

On Dec 20,[masked]:46 AM, "Ira" <[address removed]> wrote:
Whether for “complaints” or “I found this drone” purposes, the general public should not be able to search the registration number and get a name and address.
There should be a law enforcement or FAA office that can “take the call” and proceed further as circumstances require.
The same should apply to all publicly visible forms of identification (license plate on your car, “N” number on your “real” airplane, etc), but most of those fights have been lost long ago.  
Let’s see if we can protect our privacy on this issue.    Maybe have the registration number inside the battery compartment instead of visible for all to see on the outside.
On Dec 20, 2015, at 10:33 AM, Kiat Oboler <[address removed]> wrote:

The downloadable pilot list is csv.  I created a DB Schema on MariaDB, set up a table w matching columns, ran an import through HeidiSQL.  It's now a full on SQL query-able database.  Reg #, first last address city state zip type level ratings1-11 typeratings1-5.  Two tables actually.  pilot_cert_tbl and pilot_basic_tbl.  So, if the new list will have the drone reg number in it and is anything like the current list,  someone will be able to get at the rest of your info by just querying by the drone reg number.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 19, 2015, at 11:58 PM, Karl <[address removed]> wrote:

Although my name and address are findable online, most people know who that name and address is.

But seeing me some place like a meetup and being able to take my reg number from my drone and from that get my name and address is a lot more information than the previous paragraph.

I didn't hear that you could search the FAA site by name and get my name and reg number but I would find that even more objectionable.

I agree with others, the reg information should only be searchable by authorized authorities. Anyone wanting to return my drone can contact the police. For those who are concerned with loosing their drone and want searchable reg information, that could be made an option in the reg process.

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Steve Cohen
Sent: ‎12/‎19/‎2015 8:00 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [NYC-NJDUG] Roundtable on Drone registration


we are concerned, as many others are, about the information coming out about the UAS registry and the privacy of the information provided. We welcome your opinions on this and wish to have a roundtable of sorts to help define our position on the matter.

Up until now, we have taken the position that this is a good thing and will make the skies safer for all and our reputations as responsible and safe advocates of positive use of UAS reinforced.


​issues arise
 from those voicing privacy concerns.

Please comment without political screed or hyperbole.

Polarizing doctrine based rants will be deleted. Be civil and intelligent. We can figure this out together.

President: Drone User Group Network  - DUGnet

[address removed]
Tel  [masked]

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