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What we’re about

Present moment awareness is a powerful way to inner peace,  practice acceptance, and enjoy LIFE even through the challenges of everyday CITY life!

At the New York Eckhart Tolle Meditation  Meetup, we aim to cultivate a healthy, happy, and stress-free way of life by helping people experience and celebrate the power of now.

Our guide in this journey is Eckhart Tolle, known for his inspiring best sellers The Power of Now and A New Earth.

At our gatherings, we don't  discuss "teach" or "interpret" Eckhart's teachings. 

Typically, our meetings begin with time to MEET & GREET. We continue by sharing a relaxing guided MEDITATION or sitting in silence. 

We then watch  selections from Eckhart's DVD's as well as Eckhart Tolle Now audio/video . 

We may end our meetings with stillness and silence.

We invite you to join us if you'd like to experience the power of now,discover inner peace and joy,  and meet like minded travelers on the spiritual path.

Scroll down to see our upcoming meetups.

Join us for inspiration, love, and the Power of Now!