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Assembled: Education

From: Nasir Q.
Sent on: Friday, October 11, 2013, 8:22 PM
The price is steep but I think well worth the investment. I will be attending.

A full day of talks, panels, and networking dedicated to discussing the promotion and advancement of education. Featuring innovative thinkers in the education space, we'll hear how entrepreneurs, non-profits, and corporations are collaborating to find new ways to help students learn.


Aidan Feldman / Education Hacker, GitHub
Ashley Gavin Curriculum Designer, Hopscotch
Brad McIlquham / Director, Academics, Knewton
Dan Ginsberg / SVP of Product Management, K12 Technology, Pearson
Darrell Silver / Co-founder & CEO, Thinkful
Diana Stepner / Head of Future Technologies, Pearson
Jeff Herbst / Chief Marketing Officer, Noodle
Jeremy Johnson / Co-founder, 2U
Kane Sarhan / Co-founder, Enstitute
Kanya Balakrishna / Co-founder & President, The Future Project


9:30 AMDoors Open
10:00 AMKickoff Talk with Dan Ginsberg
10:30 AMEducation Discovery Tools with Jeff Herbst
11:00 AMOnline Learning with Jeremy Johnson
11:30 AMBreak
11:45 AMIgniting Entrepreneurship in Schools with Kanya Balakrishna
12:15 PMLunch
1:15 PMWhy Are We So Bad At Teaching Computer Science? with Ashley Gavin
1:45 PMIf Education Were Done the GitHub Way with Aidan Feldman
2:15 PMBreak
2:30 PMThe Impact of Technology and Big Data on Education with Brad McIlquham
3:00 PMLearning By Doing: Turning Startups and Small Businesses Into Classrooms with Kane Sarhan
3:30 PM Break
3:45 PM How Thinkful is Changing Lifelong Learning Through Online Flipped Classrooms with Darrell Silver
4:15 PM Wrap Up with Diana Stepner
4:30 PM Reception


Join the conversation! Use the hash tag #AssembledEd to stay connected.

Best regards,

Nasir C. Qadree 
Education Pioneer Fellow '13 
Hampton University '08
Twitter: @NasirQadree 
Mobile: (404)[masked]
Email: [address removed]

"One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education."

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