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Quick Poll

From: user g.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 9:52 PM
Good Evening/Morning!

I am writing a book geared at education startups and would love your input.

Answer the following based on your self-described background:

Education Entrepreneur: What is the most valuable piece of advice you would impart to other entrepreneurs?

Folks who previously/currently work in Pre-K-12 schools: What do you want education companies to do better?

Folks who previously/currently work in Higher Ed institutions: What do you want education companies to do better?

I do not need your name (but happy to know more about your education journey).  Trying to get a broad range of feedback.  Thoughtful answers (with your approval) may be used in the book!

To get a sense of my story and my style, check out my latest publication on Amazon:

Thank you for your time.  Please reply directly to me at: [address removed].

- Kathy