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K-5 science curriculum and/or efficacy testing liaison consultant needed

From: Ellen S.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 7:29 AM

EdTechLens creates digital curriculum for K-5 students. Our first program, now in pilot test phase, teaches the life science curriculum. As we roll this program out, we need a consultant or consultants with the following skill sets:

-- Curriculum review and editing in K-5 science education, including assessment writing.

-- Familiarity with NGSS and standards alignment to help vet and improve our existing alignment

-- Management skills to help run an upcoming efficacy-testing program; the program is set up so the management we need involves coordination and communication with participating classrooms

We will need a full-time instructional designer next year when we develop new programs but need the skills listed above from a part-time consultant for now as we tweak our existing program.

Please respond off-list to [address removed]

Ellen Senisi
EdTechLens CEO & Founder

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