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Re: [NYEdTech] Free, Paid Intern for Your Organization/Company this Summer!

From: Ceceilia B.
Sent on: Monday, May 1, 2017, 9:25 PM
Hi Alex - I am very interested in applying to your program. I am going into an uber in 5-10 min if you are free to speak by phone tonight. Otherwise, perhaps Wed or after in the afternoons or evenings?

On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 9:05 PM, Alexandra Lis-Perlis <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi NYEdTech!

In partnership with the NYC Dept of Education, my organization, Code/Interactive, is running the CTE Industry Scholars Program. We are recruiting hosts to partner with us and provide high performing, technology students with summer internships.

We provide the interns to you after a rigorous interview process and pay them for the summer at no cost to the employer.

The students in our program attend Career & Technical High Schools for Computer and Information Sciences, where they have received extensive training in programming (Java, CSS, HTML) or IT (Apple, A+, CISCO, networking etc). Our internship program is heavily focused on mentorship and professional development, so the intern can also hold responsibilities and supporting roles that are not technical. We will work with your team to create a project plan that will help you maximize their support!

You can learn more from this PDF about the program. Please reach out to [address removed] to learn more!

Alex Lis-Perlis

Program Manager | Code/Interactive (C/I)
[address removed]

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