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Exciting Opportunity for NYC High School Earth Science and Biology Teachers

From: Elana B.
Sent on: Friday, September 29, 2017, 2:38 PM
Hello NYEdTech High School Earth Science and Biology Teachers!

Would you like to help your students develop data literacy and evidence-based writing skills using real-world ‘big’ data?
Do you teach lessons about plate tectonics, climate, or evolution?

Researchers at EDC’s Center for Children and Technology are looking for New York City area High School Earth Science and Biology teachers interested in piloting Zoom In, an online curriculum platform designed to help students analyze and interpret data as they build their understanding of key earth science and biology concepts. Teachers chosen to participate in this NSF-funded study will be compensated for their time and effort in a manner that is in accordance with their school district’s policies.

To find out more about the Zoom In: Teaching Science With Data study, check out the attached study flyer and reach out to me at [address removed] to express interest!

Best regards,

Elana Blinder & the rest of the Zoom In Team 

Elana Blinder
Center for Children and Technology
Education Development Center, Inc.
96 Morton St., 7th Floor  New York, NY 10014
phone:[masked]  fax:[masked]
email: [address removed]  

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