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New Meetup: Songs for Haiti - Sunnyside, Queens

From: Christopher
Sent on: Saturday, January 23, 2010, 3:00 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Irish in New York Meetup Group!

What: Songs for Haiti - Sunnyside, Queens

When: Thursday, January 28,[masked]:00 PM

The Diving Bell
45-15 Queens Blvd
Sunnyside, NY 11104

Haiti will need our help for some time to come so we are participating in a benefit concert connected to the local Irish music community here. Please join us on this night as an all-star cast of mostly Irish musicians performs Songs for Haiti at the Diving Bell in Sunnyside, Queens. This will be a joint Meetup with the NY Celtic Music group.

The concert will feature local Irish singer-songwriters, Michael Brunnock (Meath) and Niall Connolly (Cork), along with American folk singer Joe Whyte and the Irish singer-songwriter Roesy (Offaly), who's in the midst of a month-long tour of New York.

There will be a collection box in the bar and the suggested donation is $10 with all proceeds to benefit GOAL Ireland, an international humanitarian agency dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poorest of the poor. GOAL was in Haiti long before the earthquake and is one of the key agencies involved in the current relief mission. In addition to the cash donations, the bar will donate to GOAL 50% of the cost of every drink sold.

The concert starts at 8, we'll meet at the Diving Bell starting at 7. We'll let you know about a pre-Meetup. There is no kitchen at the Diving Bell, but you can bring food or order in.

Please join us for this one. It'll be a night of quality folk and indie music with an Irish accent and the need remains as great as ever. You can sign up here, at the NY Celtic Music Meetup's site, or both, we'll figure it out.

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