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Happy Yoga Day and 108 Reasons for Sahaja Yoga Meditation

From: Vikram C.
Sent on: Friday, June 21, 2019, 7:45 PM
Dear  Nagpur Yoga and Meditation Practitioners,

Wish you a Happy International Yoga Day. 
We hope you feel as much joy as we do in recognition and celebration of values that we cherish.

To help our community to grow and flourish we have introduced another resource- Online Meditation Facebook group.

Join now!
This group has online meditation events, self paced learning, experience sharing, downloads, one to one guidance where needed and more.
Feel the joy and warmth of being with more people like you. 

Sahaja Yoga is always free.  'Sahaja' means simple and 'Yoga' union. When our inner energy is awakened, it travels up to crown of head area and we feel our connection to Divinity.
We spontaneously get into the state of thoughtless awareness, which is the state of meditation and experience physical, mental and spiritual benefits.

Meditation works on our energy centers to correct its imbalances and some Yoga asanas (postures) aim to achieve same, such as 'Bhadrasana' for Mooladhar center at bottom of spine  and 'Ushtrasana' for energy center of throat.

Some more important reasons to consider Sahaja Yoga Meditation shared in link below.

Sahaja Yoga is there in 100+ countries. However it is most practiced in Delhi NCR region and there many centers available for you to join group meditation session

Happy Yoga and Meditating,
For Sahaja Yoga Meditation team,
Vikram (vchandna0612 gmail)



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