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Happy International Peace Day & More Meditation resources for you

From: Vikram C.
Sent on: Saturday, September 21, 2019, 11:01 PM
Dear Meditation Practitioner,
Wish you Happy International Peace Day on 21st September.  A day to celebrate the values we wish to instill in ourselves and bring to the world.
We now have more online Sahaja Yoga Meditation resources for you. 

Online guided meditation, self learning course, mentorship, spirituality oriented socialization, innocence based humor, downloads, experiential posts....
Join now!

Sahaja Yoga meditation was founded by 'Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi' in 1970. 
Practiced in over 100 countries and is always free.

Below, some snapshots from WeMeditateGroup and some excerpts.

Excerpts from Public meditation program on topic of Peace @ London (1984)

So the first thing that happens to your attention, that the thoughts subside. Thought is the first problem that has started with ego and now when the thoughts subside, then you become peaceful. People talk of peace, we should have peace, how can you have peace? It is not possible, is an impossible situation. You see we think by thinking by organising by manipulating, we’ll have peace, you cannot. You cannot have peace that way? How will you have peace? When the peace is established on your attention, when your attention is peaceful, when we are absolutely without any thoughts, then the peace is resides. After all the peace is disturbed by human beings only, isn’t it? It is not disturbed by something else is disturbed by the human beings. And now if the human beings are not peaceful how can you have peace by talks? On the contrary when there are talks be sure that there will be some violent action after that, always it happens, because thought is incapable of keeping your attention in balance.

Now how do you remove the thought from your mind is the problem. Thoughts are all the time in your mind, if you get possessed you may not have thoughts, but otherwise which is the other way? The other way is the Kundalini when it rises, a thought rises and falls off and another thought rises and falls off, but when the Kundalini rises, then what happens, these thoughts become elongated and starts some work inside and there is gap in-between and this gap is place of our peace. If you achieve that peace the world peace can be achieved. By just taking placards, by shouting for peace, you can not establish peacePeace has to come from the hearts of human beings, in the hearts of human beings peace can be only established when you establish the spirit within it’s core, where it manifests the bliss of peace.
When you start enjoying the bliss of peace you don’t want wars, you don’t think of a wars and that is the state where now the human beings have to rise and go to that.

Happy Meditation.....

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