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Overnight Trip, Return to Soddy-Possum


The second bi-annual trip to the Soddy-Possum sections ( of the Cumberland Trail! Exactly 6 months from our last trip there!

(Really, I'm just too lazy/busy to find a new destination.)

Meeting Time: 5PM, Friday, April 24th (Would prefer to leave earlier if everyone can get out of work in time.)
Meeting Place: Target Hickory Hollow
Estimated Drive Time One Way: 2 hours
Hike Distance: About 26 miles
Difficulty: Moderate to strenuous

We will be hiking the Possum ( and Soddy Creek ( segments, north to south, from the Retro-Hughes trailhead to the Mowbray Pike trailhead.

The plan is to leave Nashville Friday afternoon, drop off one car at the end of the trail, and drive to camp at the other end. We will be back in Nashville by sometime in the late afternoon Sunday.

We will be hiking about 10 hours on Saturday and 6 hours on Sunday, so only about 1.5 miles per hour. A very manageable pace, but please let me know if you are an absolute beginner to backpacking.

Please bring your own gear, gas money, and money for a meal on Friday and Sunday.

Also, we will actually be hiking past a gas station on the first day, a nice break for air conditioning, running water, snacks, and running water.

Because of the interest so far, we should have a decent sized group. If anyone is interested in sharing tents or other gear, please let me know and I will help with coordination. Also, if you're new to backpacking and are missing one or two key pieces of gear, let me know.

Tents are easy to share. But sharing things like water treatment, cooking gear, and food can also make things a little easier.

Tentative Itinerary:

Leave Friday night. Camp overnight.

Early start on Saturday. 15 miles.

Early start Sunday. 10 miles.

Back in Nashville by 7PM or so.

Photo of Nashville Backpacker Meetup group
Nashville Backpacker Meetup
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Target Hickory Hollow
5330 Cane Ridge Rd · Antioch, TN